
Oh no! What area is giving you problems? We hate making mistakes A page isn't loading. I contacted you and haven't heard back. Something seems to be wrong with ,Industrious is the next evolution of the modern workplace. A shared office space in River North Chicago.,Definition of INDUSTRIOUS. involved in often constant activity Synonyms active, assiduous, bustling, diligent ,Hard-working and persistent; worksome. I was very industrious in my effort to learn unicycle riding.,The definition of industrious is someone who is hardworking, dedicated and a problem solver.,industrious adj. Assiduous in work or study; diligent. See synonyms at busy . Obsolete . Skillful; clever,Synonyms for industrious at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.,Here is one of the finest scholars, one of the most original men of genius, and one of the most industrious of the literary profession of our country, whose temporary ,adjective 1. working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person. 2. Obsolete , skillful . Origin: 152535; Latin industrius diligent ,Full Definition of INDUSTRIOUS 1 obsolete : skillful , ingenious 2 : constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent in
Détails sur le produit
- Rang parmi les ventes : #934669 dans Livres
- Publié le: 2012-08-23
- Sorti le: 2012-08-23
- Langue d'origine:
Allemand, Anglais, Français, Espagnol - Dimensions: 13.70" h x
10.63" l x
1.57" L,
1.54 livres
- Reliure: Relié
- 288 pages
Industrious - Definition and More from the Free Merriam
Full Definition of INDUSTRIOUS 1 obsolete : skillful , ingenious 2 : constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent in
Industrious | Define Industrious at
adjective 1. working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person. 2. Obsolete , skillful . Origin: 152535; Latin industrius diligent
industrious - definition of industrious by the Free Online
Here is one of the finest scholars, one of the most original men of genius, and one of the most industrious of the literary profession of our country, whose temporary
Industrious Synonyms, Industrious Antonyms |
Synonyms for industrious at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
industrious: Definition, Synonyms from
industrious adj. Assiduous in work or study; diligent. See synonyms at busy . Obsolete . Skillful; clever
Industrious | Easy to understand definition of industrious
The definition of industrious is someone who is hardworking, dedicated and a problem solver.
industrious - Wiktionary
Hard-working and persistent; worksome. I was very industrious in my effort to learn unicycle riding.
Industrious - Synonyms and More from the Free Merriam
Definition of INDUSTRIOUS. involved in often constant activity Synonyms active, assiduous, bustling, diligent
Industrious - Shared Office Space in River North Chicago
Industrious is the next evolution of the modern workplace. A shared office space in River North Chicago.
Industrious Industries
Oh no! What area is giving you problems? We hate making mistakes A page isn't loading. I contacted you and haven't heard back. Something seems to be wrong with
Full Definition of INDUSTRIOUS 1 obsolete : skillful , ingenious 2 : constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent
Industrious | Define Industrious at
adjective 1. working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person. 2. Obsolete , skillful . Origin: 152535; Latin industrius diligent
industrious - definition of industrious by the Free Online
Here is one of the finest scholars, one of the most original men of genius, and one of the most industrious of the literary profession of our country, whose temporary
Industrious Synonyms, Industrious Antonyms |
Synonyms for industrious at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
industrious: Definition, Synonyms from
industrious adj. Assiduous in work or study; diligent. See synonyms at busy . Obsolete . Skillful; clever
Industrious | Easy to understand definition of industrious
The definition of industrious is someone who is hardworking, dedicated and a problem solver.
industrious - Wiktionary
Hard-working and persistent; worksome. I was very industrious in my effort to learn unicycle riding.
Industrious - Synonyms and More from the Free Merriam
Definition of INDUSTRIOUS. involved in often constant activity
Industrious - Shared Office Space in River North Chicago
Industrious is the next evolution of the modern workplace. A shared office space in River North Chicago.
Industrious Industries
Oh no! What area is giving you problems? We hate making mistakes A page isn't loading. I contacted you and haven't heard back. Something seems to be wrong with
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