Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Alison Jackson : Confidential

Alison Jackson : Confidential

 Alison Jackson : Confidential

Description du produit

Alison Jackson a photographié la reine d'Angleterre au petit coin, George Bush et Tony Blair taillant une bavette dans un sauna, Mick Jagger faisant sa gym et Monica Lewinsky allumant le cigare de Bill Clinton. Mais... est-ce vraiment eux ? La ressemblance est troublante, toutefois ses sujets sont des sosies. Ses images démontrent que s'il faut le voir pour le croire, la vérité est ailleurs. Dans son travail, explique-t-elle, la ressemblance devient réalité et le fantasme empiète sur le possible. L'incrédulité du spectateur est suspendue. J'essaie de souligner le lien psychologique entre ce que nous voyons et ce que nous imaginons. Il est indissociable de notre besoin de regarder (notre voyeurisme) et de notre besoin de croire. Ainsi, en montrant des célébrités prétendument prises à leur insu, les photos de Jackson nous montrent ce que nous imaginons se passer en coulisses. Si son œuvre suscite la controverse, c'est notamment parce qu'elle s'aventure dans cette zone d'ombre entre la parodie et le réalisme en faisant tomber les remparts soigneusement protégés de l'intimité des personnages publics.

Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, it would appear that we are being given a glimpse of something confidential, a private moment.,Photographer Alison Jackson offers viewers an illusory glimpse of celebrities. Brilliantly choreographed scenes capture doppelgängers, from President Bush puzzled by ,Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the sauna, Osama Bin Laden playing backgammon, and Monica ,Alison Jackson by Alison Jackson: Spitting images: truly incredible "celebrity" portraits Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George ,Alison Jackson's work (depicting celebrity look-a-likes) is wry, bitter, and satirical. These photos, with their oh-so-similar faces, mock not only their true-life ,What you see in this book is not real. Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the,Spitting images: truly incredible 'celebrity' portraits Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the ,Kate Middleton baby shower video featuring the Queen, Carole Middleton and Pippa Middleton feeling the royal baby bump.,Please visit Alison Jackson on Facebook or Twitter to see more celebrity photos. The Queen, Daniel Craig, Katy Perry and more ride the tube ,Alison Jackson: Confidential [Alison Jackson] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Spitting images: truly incredible ?celebrity? portraits Alison

Détails sur le produit

  • Rang parmi les ventes : #298392 dans Livres
  • Publié le: 2007-08-27
  • Sorti le: 2007-08-27
  • Langue d'origine:
    Anglais, Allemand, Français
  • Nombre d'articles: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.34" h x
    9.37" l x
    .0" L,
    4.30 livres
  • Reliure: Relié
  • 208 pages

Alison Jackson: Confidential: Alison Jackson: Amazon.com
Alison Jackson: Confidential [Alison Jackson] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Spitting images: truly incredible ?celebrity? portraits Alison

Alison Jackson - Official Site
Please visit Alison Jackson on Facebook or Twitter to see more celebrity photos. The Queen, Daniel Craig, Katy Perry and more ride the tube

Alison Jackson Confidential | AlisonJackson.com
Kate Middleton baby shower video featuring the Queen, Carole Middleton and Pippa Middleton feeling the royal baby bump.

Alison Jackson: Confidential by Alison Jackson
Spitting images: truly incredible 'celebrity' portraits Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the

Alison Jackson. Confidential. | Design You Trust
What you see in this book is not real. Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the

Alison Jackson: Confidential by Alison Jackson Reviews
Alison Jackson's work (depicting celebrity look-a-likes) is wry, bitter, and satirical. These photos, with their oh-so-similar faces, mock not only their true-life

Alison Jackson: Confidential by Alison Jackson - Powell's
Alison Jackson by Alison Jackson: Spitting images: truly incredible "celebrity" portraits Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George

Alison Jackson - Confidential - NevaBooks
Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, George Bush and Tony Blair chatting in the sauna, Osama Bin Laden playing backgammon, and Monica

Alison Jackson Confidential Launches | - ArTect.net
Photographer Alison Jackson offers viewers an illusory glimpse of celebrities. Brilliantly choreographed scenes capture doppelgängers, from President Bush puzzled by

Alison Jackson - TASCHEN Books: Publisher of books on art
Alison Jackson has photographed the Queen of England on the toilet, it would appear that we are being given a glimpse of something confidential, a private moment.

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