Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Joie De Vivre

Joie De VivreUnique Hotels throughout California, Waikiki Beach Hawaii, Arizona, DC and Illinois. Find a hotel to match your travel experience desires.,Joie De Vivre . At Joie de Vivre we offer unique gifts from talented artists and craftsmen, many of whom live and create on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.,French. a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living. Origin: literally, joy of living Unabridged Based on the...

Senin, 30 September 2013

Alberto Garcia-Alix: Autorretrato

Alberto Garcia-Alix: AutorretratoAvailable for sale from Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Alberto García Alix, Autorretrato escondido en mi miedo (2009), Gelatine silver print, 47 × 47 cm,Autorretrato/Self-Portrait; Alberto García- Alix; 22 X 28 cm. 220 páginas. Idioma: Español-Inglés. Una obra que recoge sus mejores autorretratos e imágenes ,En el Palacio de la Virreina tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar de esta exposición, "Autorretrato" del celebrado...

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Loretta Lux

Loretta LuxBorn 1969, Dresden, Germany, Loretta Lux's works seem to emit a vague but tangible distance between the audience and the often self-aware subjects of her portraits.,Taking the photograph is only the starting point for German artist Loretta Lux. Its when she starts transforming her portraits on the computer when the children ,Though the sense of realism in German photographer Loretta Lux's striking portraits of children remains eerily...

Sabtu, 28 September 2013


ErosEROS was the mischievous god of love, a minion and constant companion of the goddess Aphrodite. The poet Hesiod first represents him as a cosmic who emerged self-born ,The new home of premium South Asian entertainment. Choose from thousands of music videos and audio tracks. Unlock the world of blockbuster Indian movies.,Eros is Love, who overpowers the mind, and tames the spirit in the breasts of both gods and men. Love is more powerful than...

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Frida Kahlo

Frida KahloFrida is a 2002 Miramax/Ventanarosa biopic which depicts the professional and private life of the surrealist Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. It stars Salma Hayek in her ,With slim sable brushes, Frida Kahlo painstakingly rendered her bold unibrow and mustache in dozens of self-portraits. This same Frida also shaved three years off her ,A comprehensive resource for information about Frida Kahlo, her paintings, biography, and quotes.,A biography...

Kamis, 26 September 2013

The Godfather Family Album

The Godfather Family Album1972 birthed one of (if not the greatest) American crime film of all time in The Godfather. The movie went on to see several sequels, and the rest is histo,The Godfather Family Album by Paul Duncan (Editor), Steve Schapiro (Photographer) - Find this book online from $30.30. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace.,We've never had the courage (or bank balance) to purchase Steve Schapiro's coffee table masterpiece,...

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmanswolfgang tillmans hammer museum, los angeles september 17, 2006 - january 7, 2007. hirshhorn museum, washington D.C. may 10 - august 12, 2007,Wolfgang Tillmans was born in 1968 in Remscheid, Germany. In 1995, his work was exhibited in the Serpentine Gallery exhibition Take Me (I'm Yours), curated by Hans ,Among photographers today, Wolfgang Tillmans occupies a unique position. In the 80s and 90s, German photography...

Selasa, 24 September 2013


MamarazzaRegistration is now open for our January 2014 Workshop. The Mamarazzi of Tulsa workshop is a four hour class where you'll learn the fundamentals of your digital SLR ,mamarazzi is sponsored by Giovanni Cosmetics . Join our mailing list for mamarazzi news, events and new releases! ,Mamarazzi Photography Specializing in Newborns and children. Oakdale, CA. Mamarazzi Photography : Enter Site : please disable any popup blockers,Check out our...

Senin, 23 September 2013

Emotions et relations

Emotions et relationsCe texte est la troisième version revue et corrigée de Psychologie des émotions et des sentiments parents-enfants et les relations adultes amicales, ,Le praticien de la relation daide est subjectivement et émotionnellement sollicité. Cette formation vise à lui permettre didentifier, comprendre, exprimer ,Human Relations - towards the 2006; Salovey et al., 2002), whereas negative emotions and negative concepts lead to negative...

Minggu, 22 September 2013

Carnaval Strippers

Carnaval StrippersTop tracks from Carnival Strippers: Cot, Shifting Sands & more. Rock, Alt-country and Alternative. People who like Carnival Strippers also like Frank Waln, Slow ,MEISELAS, Susan. Carnival Strippers. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (1976). First Edition. Small oblong quarto. The simultaneous issue in wrappers.,"Carnival Strippers", a playlist created by fumarilyn Bill Withers - Lovely Day (Original Version) by SaberH1...

Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Bleus de travail : Portraits photographiques et uniformes

Bleus de travail : Portraits photographiques et uniformesWorks: 29 works in 48 publications in 8 languages and 281 library holdings, un inventaire intitulé « Portraits photographiques et uniformes de sources du travail de Charles Fréger. Portraits peints d Bleus de travail, ,Acheter le livre Bleus de travail, portraits photographiques et uniformes, Charles-Arthur Boyer, Poc, 9782915409000,Les portraits de Charles Fré ger travers le sport et le...

Jumat, 20 September 2013


IN THE AMERICAN WEST . : RICHARD AVEDONBook Description: Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1985. Hardcover. Book Condition: Fine. 1st Edition. FIRST EDITION, SIGNED BY AVEDON on front free endpaper.,20th-Anniversary Tour Ends at Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University In the American West: Photographs by Richard Avedon February 14 May 6, 2007,Max Kozloff's essay on "In the American West" displaying 3 of Avedon's photographs.,Richard Avedons In the American...

Kamis, 19 September 2013

EDWARD SHERIFF CURTIS 1868-1952. Edition trilingue français-anglais-allemand

EDWARD SHERIFF CURTIS 1868-1952. Edition trilingue français-anglais-allemandEdward Sheriff Curtis 1868-1952 . Hans Christian Adam Edition français-anglais-allemand . Hans Christian Adam ,Edition français-anglais-allemand . Hans Christian Adam. Note moyenne : Edward Sheriff Curtis 1868-1952 . Hans Christian Adam ,Edward Sheriff Curtis : Visions Of A Vanishing Race Edward S Cur Edition Trilingue Français-Anglais-Allemand Edward-S Curtis Taschen...

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Gabo : Big Shots

Gabo : Big ShotsRésultats pour "Big Shots" im Internet, an Universitäten und in der Literatur Twittern. Gabo : Big Shots. Naum Gabo, 2006.,GABO has succeeded like no other female photographer in using her camera to plough through the field of German celebrities in politics, culture and society and also ,GABO has succeeded like no other female photographer in using her camera to plough through the field of German...

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Visual Pollution

Visual PollutionVisual pollution is the term given to unattractive and man-made visual elements of a vista, a landscape, or any other thing that a person does not feel comfortable to ,We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us.,What is visual pollution? Visual pollution is not very common topic as water, air, land pollution. This topic is so sensitive that many of us didnt notice about this.,Sources of visual pollution:...

Senin, 16 September 2013

Hollywood at Home: A Family Album 1950-1965

Hollywood at Home: A Family Album Hollywood at Home: A Family Album 1950-1965 - Richard Schickel - Libri in altre lingue,Audrey Hepburn on her bike at Paramount Studios, 1957. Scanned by jane for Dr. Macro's High Quality Movie Scans website: . Enjoy!,Hollywood at home : a family album, 1950-1965 by Sid Avery, Richard Schickel - Find this book online. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace. Save...

Minggu, 15 September 2013


LADY LISA LYONMAPPLETHORPE, ROBERT. Lady: Lisa Lyon, first edition, quarto, Viking, 1983, pp. 128, black matte boards, blind-stamped, duotone photos of Lisa Lyon, the bodybuilder ,see also: Mapplethorpe Robert Chapter 28 (part I) 1982 . Mapplethorpe Robert . Lisa Lyon. Portrait of a Lady . The most-talked-about photographer of the 1980s ,A cult classic first published in 1983, Lady: Lisa Lyon is a groundbreaking collaboration between Mapplethorpe...

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Bibliothek der fotografie n° 18 : Private Moments. : Edition bilingue anglais-allemand

Bibliothek der fotografie n° 18 : Private Moments. : Edition bilingue anglais-allemand Liberia, the French and Portuguese Territories south of Latitude 18° N, Beeing a Supplement to the Secand Edition of the bibliothek der kirchenväter der , Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntnis der Thermalquellen in (ouvrage bilingue français Karl, Lakkische Studien; Bibliothek der Allgemeinen ,Über den Wert der Fotografie Größte Bibliothek der Zentralschweiz...